Executive Board statement

To fulfil their legal obligation pursuant to Section 2:101 (2) of the Dutch Civil Code and Section 5: 25c (2)(c) of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft), each member of the Executive Board states that to the best of their knowledge:

  • the financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, the liabilities, the financial position and the results of the Company and the companies included in the consolidation,


  • the annual report provides a true and fair view of the situation as at 31 December 2022 and the developments at the Company and its affiliated companies during the 2022 financial year, and of the data presented in its financial statements, and that the annual report describes the material risks the issuing institution faces.

Supplementary to the above, each member of the Executive Board states that, to the best of their knowledge:

  • the report provides sufficient insight into any deficiencies in the effectiveness of the Company’s risk management and control systems (see chapter 8.5);

  • the above-mentioned systems provide a reasonable level of assurance that the financial reporting does not contain any material inaccuracies (see chapter 8.5 Risk management);

  • that on the basis of the current state of affairs it is justified that the financial reporting was prepared on the basis of a going concern (see chapter 10 Financial statements – explanatory notes);


  • the report cites the material risks and uncertainties that are relevant in terms of the expectations regarding the continuity of the Company for the period of twelve months after the preparation of the report (see chapter 5.1 ‘Trends in the market, chapter 7.3 Financial results and chapter 8.5 Risk management).

Rosmalen, 17 February 2023

A.G.J. Hillen
G.M.P.A. van Boekel

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