8.2 Accounting policies for measuring assets and liabilities and the determination of results

For determining the accounting policies to use for measuring the assets and liabilities and the determination of results of its separate financial statements, Heijmans N.V. makes use of the option provided in Section 362(8) of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. This means that the basis for measuring assets and liabilities and the determination of results (accounting policies) applied in the company financial statements of Heijmans N.V. are the same as those applied in the consolidated EU-IFRS financial statements. Investees over which significant control is exercised are recognised using the equity method. Any impairment of the receivables from group companies relating to expected credit losses is eliminated in the recognised amounts and consequently does not affect the statement of profit or loss or the statement of financial position in any way.

Heijmans N.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 16004309.

The share in the result of investees consists of the share of Heijmans N.V.. in the result of these investees. Results from transactions where there is a transfer of assets and liabilities between Heijmans N.V and its investees or between investees themselves are not recognised insofar as they can be deemed to be unrealised.

For details of the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board, see note 6.29 to the consolidated financial statements.

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